The Scientific Annuary “Prospects and Problems of research and education integration into the European Area” aims to disseminate the results of research in the fields of social sciences with a potential for innovation and application in practice by those who are interested in developing public and private organizations in which they operate.
In this context, the Editorial Board is inviting researchers, doctoral students, teaching staff to submit scientific materials to be published in The Scientific Annuary “Prospects and Problems of research and education integration into the European Area”.
Formal conditions of acceptance are the following:
- the material has not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere in its present form;
- the paper is the result of their own investigation and it has an original innovation character;
- the author(s) are fully responsible for the entire content of the study and for the correctness of expressions and phrases used;
- a clear delimitation of author’s vision or the results of its investigations and the results of previous researches in the article is required;
- the copyrights are automatically transferred to the Cahul State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” immediately after the acceptance of the paper for publication in TheScientific Annuary “Prospects and Problems of research and education integration into the European Area”.
Technical and editorial issues:
- papers can be submittedin English, Romanian and Russian;
- total content of the articles should be 20-25 thousand of signs (references included);
- a good correspondence between title and content of the article is necessary;
- the paper will have the following structure: title, name(s) of author(s), abstract, keywords, expanded content of the paper, references;
- the main elements of the scientific paper will be: the summary (in Romanian), the keywords (in Romanian), the summary (in English), the keywords (in English), 1. Introduction, 2. Research Methodology, 3. Findings, 4. Discussions, 5. Conclusions, 6. Bibliography:
- citing authors must be done by compulsory reference of the source;
- a clear definition of the terms used is recommended;
- do not use page numbering, inserting lines, headers and footnotes;
- the text must be typed in one column format;
- decision regarding publishing of the article in the review is approved at the meeting of the Editorial Board;
- the paper must respect the conditions from the Template;
- the article must be written exclusively in Microsoft Word and it will be sent to the Editorial Board by e-mail at
The Scientific Annuary “Prospects and Problems of research and education integration into the European Area” uses the APA citation style. For details see the links below:
Citation Examples for Sources
- Print Books with One Author:
Author Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year Published). Title of work. Location: Publisher.
Juc, V. (2002). Istoria gândirii politice din Moldova. Chișinău: Univ. Acad. de Științe a Moldovei.
- Print Books with Two or More Authors:
Last name, First initial. Middle initial., Last name, First initial. Middle initial., & Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Date). Title. Location: Publisher.
Bahl, R.W. & Linn, J.F. (1992). Urban public finance in developing countries. New York: Oxford University Press.
Matthews, G., Smith, Y., & Knowles, G. (2009). Disaster management in archives, libraries and museums. Farnham, England: Ashgate.
Denters, B. et. al. (2014). Size and Local Democracy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Chapters in Books:
When citing a chapter in an edited book, use the following format:
- Structure for Chapters in Edited Books in Print:
Last name of chapter author, First initial. Middle initial. (Year published). Chapter title. In First initial. Middle initial. Last name of Editor (Ed.), Book Title (pp. xx-xx). Publishing City, State: Publisher.
Example for Chapters in Edited Books in Print:
Swianiewicz, P. (2011). Demanded but Difficult: Intermunicipal Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe. In Swianiewicz, P. (Ed.), Working Together. Intermunicipal Cooperation in Five Central European Countries (pp. 1-18). Budapest: Open Society Foundations.
- Structure for Chapters in Edited Books, found Online:
Last name of chapter author, First initial. Middle initial. (Year published). Chapter title. In First initial. Last name of Editor (Ed.), Book title [E-reader version, if used] (pp. xx-xx). doi:10.xxxx/xxxxxx or Retrieved from http://xxxx
Example for Chapters in Edited Books, found Online:
Lobo, R. F. (2003). Introduction to the structural chemistry of zeolites. In S. Auerbach, K. Carrado, & P. Dutta (Eds.), Handbook of zeolite science and technology (pp. 65-89). Retrieved from
If you’re still unsure about how to cite a chapter in a book, use Citation Machine’s free citation generator to help you. Your citations will automatically format properly for you.
E-Books Found on a Website:
Author Last Name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year Published). Title of work [E-reader version]. or Retrieved from http://xxxx
Auster, P. (2007). The Brooklyn follies [Nook version]. Retrieved from
Journal articles in Print:
Author Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year Published). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Volume (Issue), page range.
Dahl, R. (1967). The City in the Future of Democracy. In The American Political Science Review, Vol. 61, No. 4, 953-970.
Journal Articles Online:
Author Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year Published). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Volume (Issue), page range.
Szabo, S.R. (2017). The Impact of Ethnic Heterogeneity on Decentralization Perceptions in Romania. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, No. 52 E,110-127.
Newspaper Articles in Print:
Author’s Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year, Month Day Published). Title of article. Title of Newspaper, page range.
Frost, L. (2006, September 14). First passengers ride monster jet. The Salt Lake Tribune, p. A2.
Page numbers: If the article is only one page long, use ‘p.’ For any articles longer than one page, use ‘pp.’
- If an article appears on non-sequential pages, separate each page number with a comma.
- Example: pp. D4, D5, D7-D8
Newspaper Articles found Online:
Author Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year, Month Date Published). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. Retrieved from newspaper homepage URL
Whiteside, K. (2004, August 31). College athletes want cut of action. USA Today. Retrieved
Magazine Articles in Print:
Author Last Name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year, Month Published). Title of article. Title of Magazine, Volume (Issue), page range.
Quammen, D. (2008, December). The man who wasn’t Darwin. National Geographic Magazine, 214(6), 106.
Author Last Name, First initial. (Year, Month Date Published). Title of webpage. Retrieved from URL
Example of an APA format website:
Austerlitz, S. (2015, March 3). How long can a spinoff like ‘Better Call Saul’ last? Retrieved from
Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year, Month, Date of blog post). Title of blog post [Blog post]. Retrieved from URL
McClintock Miller, S. (2014, January 28). EasyBib joins the Rainbow Loom project as we dive into research with the third graders [Blog post]. Retrieved from
The Scientific Annuary “Prospects and Problems of research and education integration into the European Area” allows the reproduction of its articles, free of charge, for non-commercial use only and with the appropriate citation information. All authors publishing in The Scientific Annuary “Prospects and Problems of research and education integration into the European Area” accept these as the terms of publication.
Please note that copyright of the content of all articles remains with the designated author of the article. Instead, copyright of the layout and design of The Scientific Annuary “Prospects and Problems of research and education integration into the European Area” articles remain with the journal and cannot be used in other publications.
The authors citing an article published in The Scientific Annuary “Prospects and Problems of research and education integration into the European Area” are asked to include the following information when they refer to it:
- Journal title – TheScientific Annuary “Prospects and Problems of research and education integration into the European Area”
- Volume number;
- Issue Number (in brackets);
- Page numbers to which the quoted article appears;
- Year of publication.